About Hallow old

About Hallow

Hallow Green

The village of Hallow lies on the western side of the River Severn just north of the city of Worcester. The western boundary has altered over the years but is now defined by Laugherne Brook which divides Hallow from the nearby village of Lower Broadheath. The parish includes the hamlets of Little Eastbury, Shoulton and Hallow Heath.
Hallow (Haleghan) is recorded as a gift from King Offa to Bishop Mildred in 816AD and was prized by the monks as a health resort, providing fish, doves, rabbits, swans and produce at least until the 13th century. The Prior of Worcester obtained license to impark 60 acres of land and 40 acres of wood in 1312. The manor of Hallow at that time was without a house. The manor and park was leased by the Bishop from 1550 onwards. Queen Elizabeth 1 hunted deer in Hallow Park in 1574 on her Royal Progress.

Hallow Church

The lands on the banks of the Severn are low lying and prone to flooding, being only 44ft. above sea level , but Hallow lies on a fertile ridge which carries the main road from Worcester north east to Tenbury.  The Severn was navigable and tidal and could be crossed at low tide in Hallow and by ferry to the north and south of the village.  Much of the land is still used for market gardening and other agricultural use with several working farms still in existence. The village centres on a triangular village green around which a number of businesses including a forge, bakehouse, shops, malthouse, garage and public house have traded in the past but now is wholly residential.
The church, built in 1867 is the focal point of Hallow, standing on high ground on the Main Road. It replaced earlier churches located at the end of Church Lane close to the river.

Hallow School

Thanks to a generous endowment by Anna Bull, Hallow has had a school for boys and girls for 300 years, founded in 1712. Amy Wheeley Lea (widow of Charles Lea of Lea and Perrins Worcester Sauce) was also a generous benefactor to Hallow and Worcester and many properties in the village owe their existence to her munificence.