Then and Now

Articles from the Hallow Parish Magazine

Selected extracts from old copies of the Hallow Parish Magazine 

A file of historical Parish Magazine extracts is available here

Aricles on aspects of Hallow History

The old Hallow Church here
History of the building of the current church here
The confusing tale of Samuel Hodges here
The poor apprentices of Hallow here

Then and Now articles in the Hallow Parish Magazine

Each month the Hallow Parish Magazine contains an article written by members of our group featuring pictures of Hallow in time past and often relating to what exists today.

Follow the links to the published articles.

Jenkins Garage/The House Doctor here

Hallow May Day Celebrations here

Dr Barnado's in Hallow here

Ladygo Stores, Hallow here

The Plough Inn, Hallow Green here

Moseley Sawmills, Moseley Road here

Hallow Heath here

Thorngrove here

 Hallow Stores or Hollow Stones? here

The Furlongs here

Rose Cottage here

Stallards Bakery, Moseley Road here

Clematis Cottage here

The Thatch Post Office (opposite The Crown) here

"Old House at Hallow – Worcester" watercolour on ebay here